Everyone is a Terrorist Now: Marginalizing Protest in the U.S.

Ivan Greenberg


The American state believes terrorists are found everywhere there is disagreement and conflict in society. Even though American radicals rarely commit crimes, the FBI claims they pose a major challenge to peaceful social order.  The terrorist label so broadly has been misapplied in recent years that it has lost most of its significance and meaning. The practice of political policing (or state "high policing") has become a core function of government in America.


terrorism; protest; state crimes; counter-insurgency; FBI; United States; surveillance; profiling; political policing; criminalization of dissent; civil liberties

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Lisa Stampnitzky, “Disciplining an Unruly Field: Terrorism Experts and Theories of Scientific/Intellectual Problems,†Qualitative Sociology, 34 (March 2011): 3.

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Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), “Who is a Terrorist? Government Failure to Define Terrorism Undermines Enforcement Puts Civil Liberties at Risk,†Sept. 28, 2009, 1-2, http://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/terrorism/215/.

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